Something changed (in the kitchen: steaming mushrooms)

In the late afternoon today, I started reading Sam Gillespie’s “The Mathematics of Novelty: Badiou’s Minimalist Metaphysics“. The book starts with the simple sentence “Change is a constant of being”, followed by an attempt to make the statement evident with examples: Evolving organisms, an individual that suddenly joins a religious movement, an artist that created a significant piece of art.

One aim of philosophy is to find the conditions under which something new is produced. How to start? With worldly things; with conceptual thoughts; both?

I am looking at my quite new “pure essentials” steamer. Currently, it steams rice and mushrooms. It has a flavour booster which contains spices: Curry. The steam takes up the spices and when flowing through the ingredients of rice and mushrooms, it modifies it’s consistency and it’s original taste.


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