Umrav Singh. M. Phil.(Lib.& Inf.Sc.), M.Lib.I.Sc, B.Com.

Researching for a paper on OAI-PMH, a protocol supporting the exchange of bibliographic metadata between digital repositories and harvesters, I hit on a piece describing and assessing a number of harvesting tools. Its author was a student of — according to its website — “one of the prime Central Universities in India“: DAVV (Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya):

Funny, because I had found another paper on this issue shortly before:

and those papers do not just share their title.

Not to keep you in suspense: Apart from the name of the author and the date given these papers are identical. See for yourself: Dave Kellog from 2004 and Umrav Singh from 2015. And, one’s curiosity aroused, there is more. Mr. Singh has uploaded 16 documents to Slideshare. Here are two stunning monozygotic twins:

These slides are not dated, so the copy-and-paste action could have gone either way. But the secon slide gives it away.

Umvar Singh has missed the first line of this awful pidgin English statement. Singh’s boldness is remarkable, his slides are simply appropriated from Bhupendra Ratha. One more example. His upload to Researchgate from May 2016 is identical to a conference paper submitted by Tufail Ahmed Shaikh December 2015 and certified with the DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2945.3842.

An obligatory juridical clause prepended to Mr. Singh’s “Dissertation submitted in Partial fulfillment for the Award of the Degree Master of Philosophy of Library and Information Science, 2014-15“[ref]See here, if the above link goes dead[/ref] declares that it “is original piece of research work (sic!) done by me”. Not really. It is a veritable exhibition piece of plagiarism.

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