Critical Inquiry is a n important US-american journal which, in his current edition, contains an article by Lydia H. Liu, entitled: “The Cybernetic Unconscious: Rethinking Lacan, Poe, and French Theory”.
It is well known that the term “cybernetics” derives from the greek expression for steersman. And there is some intellectual capital to be gained if you demonstrate your knowledge of the Greek language. So we get the following explanation:
Unfortunately, the first as well as the last letter are are wrong. It should be “κυβερνητης”. This is an embarrassing faux pas, really. The author (or proof reader) is showing her incompetence in the very act of trying to show off her erudition.
It also is painful for someone noticing the glitch. Should one just disregard it as an unfortunate accident – or should one complain, since classical education matters? Which amounts to boasting about the very same competence the author seems to lack.